Friday, October 9, 2009

Burnt Towel

LOL, O.k. so I burnt a towel. I have been having problems with my ears for about 3 years now and doctors have not been able to tell me what's wrong. I went to a Chiropractor for a few months, and it started working, but we couldn't afford it anymore. So I was having problems with my ear a few days ago and a friend told me to put a warm towel on it. She said it's better if you use a dry towel and microwave it, so I did. BAD IDEA!! I looked at it in the microwave and it had gotten brown in the middle, so I stopped it and pulled it out. I had burned. I was told that if I would have kept it in there a little longer it would have caught on fire. Yikes. Don't want that happening.

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